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I've been a bit torn about what exactly to put on this blog. Short comments go to Google+. Anything Haskell related goes to the Yesod blog. So what goes here?

For now, I've decided to start a series on dysfunctional programming. In other words, horror stories from the non-Haskell world.

Today's tale begins with a strange bug report. One of our clients says that all of the CSS changes we put on their server have suddenly disappeared. Which is especially strange, because I don't have any write access to their production server. There were two aspects to this report: bullets were missing, and the title image didn't display in IE. By the way, there's a separate title image, provided by the client, for each publication.

Forget about the bullets for now, that one wasn't interesting. The title image was truly a conundrum. I started off by loading the output in Chrome. No problem. Internet Explorer? Red X. At first I thought it was a URL mangling issue. But when I tried moving the title image to a simple path on the system and loading it up, it still displayed as a red X.

I started a local Warp server and accessed the site from there. No problem.

So... the file itself is correct, and the name of the file isn't the problem. What's the issue? I spent a good 30 minutes looking for PNG bugs in IE. Unfortunately, with IE's sordid history of PNG bugs, it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. However, I saw one off-hand comment:

Try right-clicking the image, choosing properties, and look at the type.

I tried it and, sure enough, the type was "Unknown," not "PNG". So it turns out that when served from a web server, IE was delivered the correct mimetype via a response header. But when opening from the local filesystem, it needs to detect the mimetype automatically.

Looking at a file extension is too simple. IE needs to outsmart us. The solution? FindMimeFromData. This wonderfully constructed function inspects the contents of the file in question and determines the mimetype. For example, this nifty little program will print the mimetype of the title.png file:

#include <urlmon.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    char buff[256];
    LPWSTR out;

    FILE *in = fopen("title.png", "rb");

    fread(buff, 1, 256, in);

    FindMimeFromData(NULL, NULL, buff, 256, NULL, FMFD_DEFAULT, &out, 0);

    printf("%ls\n", out);

    return 0;

The result? image/pjpeg of course! Never mind that that's an invalid mimetype, but the Win32 function is giving the wrong mimetype for a PNG file!!! I'm not quite certain how Microsoft screwed this up so royally. There's a very explicit set of bytes at the beginning of the file indicating that it's a PNG, and imagesize-conduit detects it just fine:

import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Binary
import Data.Conduit.ImageSize

main :: IO ()
main = do
    f <- runResourceT $ sourceFile "title.png" $$ sinkImageInfo
    print f

In other words: Internet Explorer, since version 4, can't even display some simple images.

I had to tell the client that we have no workaround, and they need to either "fix" their perfectly valid PNG or always serve their content from a webserver.

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