Typing Resistance
Programming languages, like the human body, are subject to the phenomenon known as resistance. Learn how type systems in programming act like insulin in the body.

Shutting down haskell-lang.org
I've recently shut down the haskell-lang.org website, redirecting to a new FP Complete Haskell site.

Call for new Stack issue triager
Interested in contributing back to the Stack project? Consider joining the Stack issue triager team!

Mismatched global packages
How GHC can ship packages that are different than what's on Hackage, how this impacts Stack, and how to do better

Kids Coding, Part 4
Part 4 of teaching my kids to code, teaching the six year old some coding

Kids Coding Interlude: the function game
An interlude in the series of kids coding to talk about a helpful exercise we use: the function game

Improving Commercial Haskell
A proposal on how we can make the Commercial Haskell Special Interest Group more useful for the community. Feedback very much welcome.

FP Complete's opinion
What is FP Complete's opinion on topic X? Nothing!

New user empathy
We often talk about the abstract "new user." I'd like to propose a more concrete, and hopefully more helpful, approach to helping new users, both with Haskell, and in general.

Async, futures, and tokio - Rust Crash Course lesson 7
Lesson 7 in the Rust crash course: Async, futures, and tokio

Lifetimes and Slices - Rust Crash Course lesson 6 - exercise solutions
Solutions to exercises in Rust crash course lesson 6, "Lifetimes and Slices."

Lifetimes and Slices - Rust Crash Course lesson 6
Lesson 6 in the Rust crash course: Lifetimes and Slices.

Rule of Three - Parameters, Iterators, and Closures - Rust Crash Course lesson 5 - exercise solutions
Solutions to exercises in Rust crash course lesson 5, "Rule of Three - Parameters, Iterators, and Closures."

Why (I believe) Stackage succeeded
Some thoughts on what I believe has made Stackage a successful project.

Rule of Three - Parameters, Iterators, and Closures - Rust Crash Course lesson 5
Lesson 5 in the Rust crash course: Rule of Three - Parameters, Iterators, and Closures.

Stack(age): History, philosophy, and future
A personal review of the history of the Stackage and Stack projects, their philosophy, and some thoughts on their future.

Crates and more iterators - Rust Crash Course lesson 4 - exercise solutions
Solutions to exercises in Rust crash course lesson 4, "Crates and more iterators."

Crates and more iterators - Rust Crash Course lesson 4
Lesson 4 in the Rust crash course: crates and more iterators.

Proposal: Stack Code of Conduct
I'm proposing an unofficial code of conduct for the Stack project.

Iterators and Errors - Rust Crash Course lesson 3 - exercise solutions
Solutions to exercises in Rust crash course lesson 3, "Iterators and Errors."