## Async exception handling in Haskell * Michael Snoyman * VP of Engineering * FP Complete webinar * April 11, 2018 <div style="text-align:center"> <div><img src="/static/fpcomplete-logo.png" style="border:0;margin:0"></div> </div> --- ## From the beginning * Many languages have synchronous exceptions * Double-edged sword * Arguably easier to write correct code * Can lead to lack of resource cleanup * GHC Haskell has asynchronous exceptions too * Let's just say "Haskell," you know what I mean now * Gotta cover exceptions to get to async exceptions ---- ## What we'll cover today * Defining different types of exceptions * Correct synchronous exception handling * How bottom values play in * Basics of async exceptions * Masking and uninterruptible masking * Helper libraries * Some more complex examples Lots of ground to cover before we talk about async stuff! ---- ## Fear is the mind-killer * Async exceptions _are_ tricky * They aren't nearly as terrifying as lore makes them out as * Usually: use the right helper library, everything's good ---- ## Are exceptions good or bad? * Not our topic today! * Lots of healthy debate inside and outside the Haskell community * However: runtime exceptions are the reality of GHC Haskell today * Whether you like it or not: need to deal with it ---- ## Teaser Goal for this talk: you should see multiple reasons I call this function `badRace`: ```haskell badRace :: IO a -> IO b -> IO (Either a b) badRace ioa iob = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar tida <- forkIO $ ioa >>= putMVar mvar . Left tidb <- forkIO $ iob >>= putMVar mvar . Right res <- takeMVar mvar killThread tida killThread tidb return res ``` --- ## Motivating example * Most complexity around scarce resource handling * File handling great example, we'll use it * Open the file, may fail * Interact with the file handle, may fail * Close the file handle regardless * File descriptors are scarce! * Start without any exceptions, build up from there * Slight detour though... ---- ## Pure code * Cannot catch exceptions in pure code * Makes sense: no resource allocation in pure code * Except... * Can throw from pure code &#x1f641; * Can use `unsafePerformIO` for allocations * Memory can be allocated implicitly * Not a contradiction! Memory ain't scarce * Technically can use `unsafePerformIO` to catch Overall: our focus is on non-pure, `IO` code. Slight reference to transformers later. ---- ## The land of no exceptions Haskell without any runtime exceptions (great rejoicing in the land) ```haskell openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO (Either IOException Handle) hClose :: Handle -> IO () -- assume it can never fail usesFileHandle :: Handle -> IO (Either IOException MyResult) myFunc :: FilePath -> IO (Either IOException MyResult) myFunc fp = do ehandle <- openFile fp ReadMode case ehandle of Left e -> return (Left e) Right handle -> do eres <- usesFileHandle handle hClose handle return eres ``` ---- ## Land of synchronous exceptions Add two new primitives for synchronous exceptions ```haskell throwIO :: IOException -> IO a try :: IO a -> IO (Either IOException a) ``` __Synchronous exceptions are exceptions which are generated directly from the `IO` actions you are calling.__ ---- ## Rewrite our function ```haskell openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle hClose :: Handle -> IO () usesFileHandle :: Handle -> IO MyResult myFunc :: FilePath -> IO MyResult myFunc fp = do handle <- openFile fp ReadMode res <- usesFileHandle handle hClose handle return res ``` * Code is shorter * Can't tell whether `openFile` and `hClose` can fail * No need to pattern match on `openFile` result * But wait! What if `usesFileHandle` throws an exception? ---- ## Try and throw Fix it! ```haskell myFunc :: FilePath -> IO MyResult myFunc fp = do handle <- openFile fp ReadMode eres <- try (usesFileHandle handle) hClose handle case eres of Left e -> throwIO e Right res -> return res ``` (Synchronous) exception safe! ---- ## Capture the pattern ```haskell withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withFile fp mode inner = do handle <- openFile fp mode eres <- try (inner handle) hClose handle case eres of Left e -> throwIO e Right res -> return res myFunc :: FilePath -> IO MyResult myFunc fp = withFile fp ReadMode usesFileHandle ``` __General principle__: Avoid using functions which only allocate or only clean up whenever possible. __Question__: What if `cleanup` throws an exception? --- ## Extensible exceptions * We assumed `IOException` above * GHC has OO-style extensibility, like Java * Please don't vomit ```haskell data SomeException = forall e . Exception e => SomeException e class (Typeable e, Show e) => Exception e where toException :: e -> SomeException fromException :: SomeException -> Maybe e throwIO :: Exception e => e -> IO a try :: Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a) ``` ---- ## Example exception, no hierarchy ```haskell data InvalidInput = InvalidInput String deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception InvalidInput where toException ii = SomeException ii fromException (SomeException e) = cast e -- part of Typeable ``` `toException` and `fromException` have defaults, so... ```haskell instance Exception InvalidInput ``` ---- ## Example of hierarchy ```haskell data MyAppException = InvalidInput String | SomethingElse SomeException deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception MyAppException ``` ```haskell data SubException = NetworkFailure String deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception SubException where toException = toException . SomethingElse . SomeException fromException se = do SomethingElse (SomeException e) <- fromException se cast e ``` ```haskell main :: IO () main = do e <- try $ throwIO $ NetworkFailure "Hello there" print (e :: Either SomeException ()) ``` --- ## Exception in pure code * Why call it `throwIO` and not `throw`? ```haskell throw :: Exception e => e -> a ``` * Not an async exception! * I call them __impure exceptions__ * Create bottom values ---- ## Creating impure exceptions * Using the `throw` function directly * Using a function which calls `throw`, like `error` * Using partial functions like `head` * Incomplete pattern matches (GHC automatically inserts the equivalent of a call to `throw`) * Creating infinite loops in pure code, where GHC's runtime _may_ detect the infinite loop and throw a runtime exception ---- ## Preaching to the choir * Partiality is bad, m'kay? * Avoid creating these impure exceptions ---- ## Challenge: what's the output? ```haskell import Control.Exception import Data.Typeable data Dummy = Dummy deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception Dummy printer :: IO (Either Dummy ()) -> IO () printer x = x >>= print ``` ```haskell main :: IO () main = do printer $ try $ throwIO Dummy printer $ try $ throw Dummy printer $ try $ evaluate $ throw Dummy printer $ try $ return $! throw Dummy printer $ try $ return $ throw Dummy ``` ---- ## Case 1 ``` printer $ try $ throwIO Dummy Left Dummy ``` We're using proper runtime exceptions via `throwIO`, and therefore `Dummy` is thrown immediately as a runtime exception. Then `try` is able to catch it, and all works out well. ---- ## Case 2 ``` printer $ try $ throw Dummy Left Dummy ``` We generate a value of type `IO ()` which, when evaluated, will throw a `Dummy` value. Passing this value to `try` forces it immediately, causing the runtime exception to be thrown. The result ends up being identical to using `throwIO`. ---- ## Case 3 ``` printer $ try $ evaluate $ throw Dummy Left Dummy ``` `throw Dummy` has type `()`. The `evaluate` function then forces evaluation of that value, which causes the `Dummy` exception to be thrown. ---- ## Case 4 ``` printer $ try $ return $! throw Dummy Left Dummy ``` This is almost identical; it uses `$!`, which under the surface uses `seq`, to force evaluation. We're not going to dive into the difference between `evaluate` and `seq` today. ---- ## Case 5 ``` printer $ try $ return $ throw Dummy Right Main.hs: Dummy ``` * Odd man out * Create thunk with `throw Dummy` of type `()` * `return` wraps it into `IO ()` * `try` forces evaluation of `IO ()`, which doesn't force evaluation of the `()` * End up with value of type `Either Dummy ()` * Equivalent to `Right (throw Dummy)` * `printer` tries to print it, forces `throw Dummy`, causes crash ---- ## What's the upshot? * Not passing judgement, but: don't use `throw` and `error` * If you use exceptions, use `throwIO` * Pure exceptions seem to appear at "random" * But the trigger for it getting thrown is always local * Forcing evaluation inside `IO` * Therefore, by our definition, impure exceptions _are_ synchronous exceptions * We'll treat them as such, but mostly just ignore them, because... ---- ## Impure exceptions are irrelevant Who cares if `inner` returns a partial/bottom value? ```haskell withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withFile fp mode inner = do handle <- openFile fp mode eres <- try (inner handle) hClose handle case eres of Left e -> throwIO e Right res -> return res ``` We never evaluate it in `withFile`, so it doesn't break anything --- ## Motivating async exceptions We want a `timeout` function ```haskell timeout :: Int -- microseconds -> IO a -> IO (Maybe a) ``` Can we get something like this without async exceptions? ---- ## Bad approach: built in primitive Imagine: part of the runtime system, kills thread immediately ```haskell timeout 1000000 $ bracket (openFile "foo.txt" ReadMode) hClose somethingReallySlow ``` * `hClose` will never get called * Defeats exception safety ---- ## Outside the runtime (1) ```haskell import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Exception import Control.Monad (when, forever) import Data.IORef import Data.Typeable data Timeout = Timeout deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception Timeout type CheckTimeout = IO () ``` ---- ## Outside the runtime (2) ```haskell timeout :: Int -> (CheckTimeout -> IO a) -> IO (Maybe a) timeout micros inner = do retval <- newEmptyMVar expired <- newIORef False let checkTimeout = do expired' <- readIORef expired when expired' $ throwIO Timeout _ <- forkIO $ do threadDelay micros writeIORef expired True ``` ```haskell _ <- forkIO $ do eres <- try $ inner checkTimeout putMVar retval $ case eres of Left Timeout -> Nothing Right a -> Just a takeMVar retval ``` ---- ## Outside the runtime (3) ```haskell myInner :: CheckTimeout -> IO () myInner checkTimeout = bracket_ (putStrLn "allocate") (putStrLn "cleanup") (forever $ do putStrLn "In myInner" checkTimeout threadDelay 100000) main :: IO () main = timeout 1000000 myInner >>= print ``` ---- ## Outside the runtime (4) Positive: reuses existing exception machinery, so it's safe. Negatives: * Cannot interrupt pure code (`checkTimeout` is in `IO`) * Have to remember to call `checkTimeout`, or `timeout` will break __BONUS__ The code above has a potential deadlock in it due to mishandling of synchronous exceptions. Try and find it! --- ## Real asynchronous exceptions __Async exceptions are exceptions thrown from another thread.__ * Local thread does not cause the exception * Bubble up just like synchronous exceptions * Caught with `try` (and friends like `catch`) * Difference is how they're thrown ```haskell forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId throwTo :: Exception e => ThreadId -> e -> IO () ``` ---- ## Compare to hand-written `timeout` * `throwTo` like setting `expired` to `True` * Runtime automatically calls `checkTimeout` equivalent * Runtime __can detect async exception at any point__ * Can happen at unexpected times, leading to new problems ---- ## The need for masking Let's revisit our `withFile`, with explicit async-exception checking calls ```haskell withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withFile fp mode inner = do checkAsync -- 1 handle <- openFile fp mode checkAsync -- 2 eres <- try (inner handle) checkAsync -- 3 hClose handle checkAsync -- 4 case eres of Left e -> throwIO e Right res -> return res ``` 1 or 4: fine, 2 or 3: bad news bears ---- ## The `mask_` function Let's temporarily block async exceptions ```haskell mask_ :: IO a -> IO a withFile fp mode inner = mask_ $ ... ``` * Fixes the resource leak * But now `timeout` can't kill `inner`! * Need to restore the previous masking state ---- ## The `mask` function Mask, but get a function to restore ```haskell mask :: ((forall a. IO a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> IO b ``` __ADVANCED__ This restores instead of unmasking to deal with nested maskings. This deals with the "wormhole" problem, which we won't cover. ---- ## Restore ```haskell withFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a withFile fp mode inner = mask $ \restore -> do handle <- openFile fp mode eres <- try (restore (inner handle)) hClose handle case eres of Left e -> throwIO e Right res -> return res ``` * Safe to `restore`, because it's wrapped in a `try` * No way for any exceptions to prevent `hClose` --- ## Catch 'em all! * Code doesn't type check * Which instance of `Exception`? * Catch all exceptions with one weird trick Replace ```haskell eres <- try (restore (inner handle)) case eres of Left e -> throwIO e ``` with ```haskell eres <- try (restore (inner handle)) case eres of Left e -> throwIO (e :: SomeException) ``` ---- ## Catch 'em all again Code above is good, but what about this? ```haskell main :: IO () main = do start <- getCurrentTime res <- timeout 1000000 $ do x <- try $ threadDelay 2000000 threadDelay 2000000 return x end <- getCurrentTime putStrLn $ "Duration: " ++ show (diffUTCTime end start) putStrLn $ "Res: " ++ show (res :: Maybe (Either SomeException ())) ``` ---- ## The problem Output ``` Duration: 3.004385s Res: Just (Left <<timeout>>) ``` * Duration is 3 seconds, not 1 second * We get a `Just` instead of a `Nothing` * Inside the `Just` is an exception from the timeout We caught an async exception. Why is this bad here? ---- ## Recover versus cleanup __You cannot recover from an asynchronous exception__ Two reasons to catch an exception * __Cleanup__: you catch, perform the cleanup action, and rethrow. OK for async exception. * __Recover__: catch the exception and continue with something else without rethrowing. Not OK for async exception. Recovering from async exception will break functions like `timeout` --- ## GHC's async exception flaw * Difference between sync and async: `throwIO` vs `throwTo` * When catching: no way to see which function threw it! * Two different techniques to approximate * Older technique: fork a thread * Newer technique: rely on types * We'll use the latter * __WARNING__ It's possible to spoof this! ---- ## SomeAsyncException "Superclass" of all asynchronous exceptions ```haskell isSyncException :: Exception e => e -> Bool isSyncException e = case fromException (toException e) of Just (SomeAsyncException _) -> False Nothing -> True isAsyncException :: Exception e => e -> Bool isAsyncException = not . isSyncException ``` Now to fix `throwIO` and `throwTo`. But first... ---- ## Wrapper types ```haskell data SyncExceptionWrapper = forall e. Exception e => SyncExceptionWrapper e instance Exception SyncExceptionWrapper data AsyncExceptionWrapper = forall e. Exception e => AsyncExceptionWrapper e instance Exception AsyncExceptionWrapper where toException = toException . SomeAsyncException fromException se = do SomeAsyncException e <- fromException se cast e ``` ---- ## Converters ```haskell toSyncException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException toSyncException e = case fromException se of Just (SomeAsyncException _) -> toException (SyncExceptionWrapper e) Nothing -> se where se = toException e ``` ```haskell toAsyncException :: Exception e => e -> SomeException toAsyncException e = case fromException se of Just (SomeAsyncException _) -> se Nothing -> toException (AsyncExceptionWrapper e) where se = toException e ``` ---- ## Replacement throwers ```haskell import qualified Control.Exception as EUnsafe throwIO :: (MonadIO m, Exception e) => e -> m a throwIO = liftIO . EUnsafe.throwIO . toSyncException throwTo :: (Exception e, MonadIO m) => ThreadId -> e -> m () throwTo tid = liftIO . EUnsafe.throwTo tid . toAsyncException impureThrow :: Exception e => e -> a impureThrow = EUnsafe.throw . toSyncException ``` ---- ## Replacement catchers Break up all "catching" functions into recovery and cleanup, e.g.: * Recovery (rethrows immediately on async) * `catch` * `try` * `handle` * Cleanup (always rethrows after running cleanup) * `bracket` * `onException` * `finally` ---- ## Simplified catch ```haskell import qualified Control.Exception as EUnsafe catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a catch f g = f `EUnsafe.catch` \e -> if isSyncException e then g e -- intentionally rethrowing an async exception -- synchronously, since we want to preserve -- async behavior else EUnsafe.throwIO e ``` Real version has some monad transformer nonsense involved ---- ## Easy, safe async handling * Stick to these modified helper functions * You won't accidentally recover from an async exception * Can even safely do Pokemon exception handling ```haskell tryAny :: MonadUnliftIO m => m a -> m (Either SomeException a) tryAny = try main :: IO () main = tryAny (readFile "foo.txt") >>= print ``` We'll talk about libraries a bit later --- ## Avoid low level masking * Low level masking is complicated * Avoid it whenever possible * Use higher level helper functions from helper modules * But, sometimes, you'll need to know about this * So we need to cover one more complication ---- ## Uninterruptible masking * `mask` prevents async exception polling happening _everywhere_ * However, it still allows "interruptible" actions to receive async exceptions * Useful for avoiding deadlocks ```haskell mask $ \restore -> do a <- takeMVar m restore (...) `catch` \e -> ... ``` * But sometimes this can _also_ prevent cleanup from running ---- ## This is complicated * Tradeoff between deadlock and guaranteed cleanup is tricky * Github issue: https://github.com/fpco/safe-exceptions/issues/3 * Nifty trick: you can always "upgrade" `mask` to `uninterruptibleMask` * Doesn't work from unmasked to masked * If you have to use a masking function, think hard about which one you want * Better yet: use an existing helper function ---- ## Deadlock detection What's the result of running this program? ```haskell import Control.Concurrent main :: IO () main = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar takeMVar mvar ``` Usually, it will be: ``` foo.hs: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation ``` GHC runtime tries to detect `MVar` and `STM`-based deadlocks, but won't always succeed (don't rely on it!) ---- ## Uninterruptible deadlock How about this? ```haskell import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception main :: IO () main = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar uninterruptibleMask_ $ takeMVar mvar ``` Actual deadlock occurs: async exception is blocked ---- ## Interruptible deadlock And normal mask? ```haskell import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception main :: IO () main = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar mask_ $ takeMVar mvar ``` * Async exception is received, since `takeMVar` is interruptible * Good example of (un)interruptible * And deadlock detection is handled via async exceptions... Right? ---- ## Is it async? How about this one? ```haskell import Control.Concurrent import UnliftIO.Exception main :: IO () main = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ()) tryAny (takeMVar mvar) >>= print putStrLn "Looks like I recovered!" ``` * `tryAny` catches all synchronous exceptions (based on type) * Guess: will "Looks like I recovered!" be printed? ---- ## Recovery allowed! * `BlockedIndefinitely` exceptions are considered synchronous * They're technically thrown from another thread * However, they're generated by a local action * Totally safe to recover from * Confusing? Yes! Logical? Arguably yes! --- ## Helper library breakdown Three libraries provide async exception safe APIs * `enclosed-exceptions`: based on the older forking-based approach (not covered here). I no longer recommend it * `safe-exceptions`: types + the `exceptions` package * `unliftio`: types + the `MonadUnliftIO` typeclass (my recommendation) See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZIN9f9rI34 --- ## Rules for async safe handling * If something _must_ happen, you must use a masking function * If you catch an async exception, you must rethrow it ASAP * No long cleanup code! * You should minimize the amount of time spent in masked state Using the right libraries will make this much simpler! __ONTO THE EXAMPLES__ --- ## Control flow Who likes this code? ```haskell import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Monad main :: IO () main = do messages <- newChan race_ (mapM_ (writeChan messages) [1..10 :: Int]) (forever $ do readChan messages >>= print -- simulate some I/O latency threadDelay 100000) ``` Drops messages on the floor! ---- ## Avoid async exceptions if you can ```haskell import UnliftIO (concurrently_, atomically, finally) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TBMQueue import Data.Function (fix) ``` ```haskell main = do messages <- newTBMQueueIO 5 concurrently_ (mapM_ (atomically . writeTBMQueue messages) [1..10 :: Int] `finally` atomically (closeTBMQueue messages)) (fix $ \loop -> do mmsg <- atomically $ readTBMQueue messages case mmsg of Nothing -> return () Just msg -> do print msg -- simulate some I/O latency threadDelay 100000 >> loop) ``` --- ## Email challenge 1 Good or bad? ```haskell bracket openConnection closeConnection $ \conn -> bracket (sendHello conn) (sendGoodbye conn) (startConversation conn) ``` ---- ## Solution: bad! * `bracket` for open and close: good * `bracket` for sending goodbye: takes too long * Network protocol demands it? Network protocol is broken! * SIGKILL * Machine dies * Network disconnects ---- ## Better code ```haskell bracket openConnection closeConnection $ \conn -> do sendHello conn res <- startConversation conn sendGoodbye conn return res ``` There are likely exceptions to this rule (no pun intended), but you should justify each such exception very strongly. --- ## Email challenge 2 Good or bad `bracket`? ```haskell bracket before after inner = mask $ \restore -> do resource <- before eresult <- try $ restore $ inner resource after resource case eresult of Left e -> throwIO (e :: SomeException) Right result -> return result ``` (Obviously, __don't write your own bracket__!) ---- ## Solution: mostly good * Masks exceptions around entire block: good! * `before` is run with exceptions still masked: good!. `restore` would break it * `restore` inside of `try` around `inner`: good! * Call `after` immediately after `inner`: good! * Possible problem: should `after` have an `uninterruptibleMask`? [Arguably](https://github.com/fpco/safe-exceptions/issues/3) * Rethrow the exception: good! --- ## Racing reads What is the output of this program? ```haskell import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async main :: IO () main = do chan <- newChan mapM_ (writeChan chan) [1..10 :: Int] race (readChan chan) (readChan chan) >>= print race (readChan chan) (readChan chan) >>= print race (readChan chan) (readChan chan) >>= print race (readChan chan) (readChan chan) >>= print race (readChan chan) (readChan chan) >>= print ``` ---- ## Solution (on my machine) ``` Left 1 Left 3 Left 5 Left 7 Left 9 ``` * Non-deterministic * Left or Right could finish first * Maybe the second read never started * Could even get the even numbers Maybe that seemd far-fetched... ---- ## Timed read This is logical. Is it valid? ```haskell timeout 1000000 $ readChan chan ``` What if we simulate weird thread scheduling? ```haskell mapM_ (writeChan chan) [1..10 :: Int] mx <- timeout 1000000 $ do x <- readChan chan threadDelay 2000000 return x print mx readChan chan >>= print ``` ---- ## How to timeout? Get inventive! ```haskell tchan <- newTChanIO atomically $ mapM_ (writeTChan tchan) [1..10 :: Int] delayDone <- registerDelay 1000000 let stm1 = do isDone <- readTVar delayDone check isDone return Nothing stm2 = do x <- readTChan tchan unsafeIOToSTM $ threadDelay 2000000 return $ Just x mx <- atomically $ stm1 <|> stm2 print mx atomically (readTChan tchan) >>= print ``` --- ## Forked threads __Caveat__ * Use the `async` library wherever possible * Prefer `concurrently`, `race`, etc * Then use `Async` * Only then use `forkIO` as a last resort OK, that's out of the way... ---- ## Cleanup in child ```haskell main = do putStrLn "Acquire in main thread" tid <- forkIO $ (putStrLn "use in child thread" >> threadDelay maxBound) `finally` putStrLn "cleanup in child thread" killThread tid -- built on top of throwTo putStrLn "Exiting the program" ``` Timing-dependent output: ``` Acquire in main thread Exiting the program ``` Child doesn't call `finally` before it's killed! ---- ## Unhelpful masking ```haskell main = do putStrLn "Acquire in main thread" tid <- forkIO $ uninterruptibleMask_ $ (putStrLn "use in child thread" >> threadDelay maxBound) `finally` putStrLn "cleanup in child thread" killThread tid -- built on top of throwTo putStrLn "Exiting the program" ``` Still didn't call `uninterruptibleMask_` before thread is killed! ---- ## Mask before forking Masking state is inherited, so: ```haskell main = do putStrLn "Acquire in main thread" tid <- uninterruptibleMask_ $ forkIO $ (putStrLn "use in child thread" >> threadDelay maxBound) `finally` putStrLn "cleanup in child thread" killThread tid -- built on top of throwTo putStrLn "Exiting the program" ``` What's the problem? <div class="fragment">Deadlock! Cannot kill the child</div> ---- ## Almost correct Mask and restore ```haskell main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering putStrLn "Acquire in main thread" tid <- uninterruptibleMask $ \restore -> forkIO $ restore (putStrLn "use in child thread" >> threadDelay maxBound) `finally` putStrLn "cleanup in child thread" killThread tid -- built on top of throwTo putStrLn "Exiting the program" ``` The problem is "nuanced" ---- ## The best solution Use `forkIOWithUnmask` ```haskell main = do hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering putStrLn "Acquire in main thread" tid <- uninterruptibleMask_ $ forkIOUnmask $ \unmask -> unmask (putStrLn "use in child thread" >> threadDelay maxBound) `finally` putStrLn "cleanup in child thread" killThread tid -- built on top of throwTo putStrLn "Exiting the program" ``` Let's see why ---- ## Inherited masking state (1) ```haskell foo = mask $ \restore -> restore getMaskingState >>= print bar = mask $ \restore -> do forkIO $ restore getMaskingState >>= print threadDelay 10000 baz = mask_ $ do forkIOWithUnmask $ \unmask -> unmask getMaskingState >>= print threadDelay 10000 ``` ---- ## Inherited masking state (2) ```haskell main = do putStrLn "foo" foo mask_ foo uninterruptibleMask_ foo putStrLn "\nbar" bar mask_ bar uninterruptibleMask_ bar putStrLn "\nbaz" baz mask_ baz uninterruptibleMask_ baz ``` ---- ## Inherited masking state (3) ``` foo Unmasked MaskedInterruptible MaskedUninterruptible bar Unmasked MaskedInterruptible MaskedUninterruptible baz Unmasked Unmasked Unmasked ``` In forked thread: want to be unmasked, _not_ the previous masking state! --- ## forkIO and race Remember me? ```haskell badRace :: IO a -> IO b -> IO (Either a b) badRace ioa iob = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar tida <- forkIO $ ioa >>= putMVar mvar . Left tidb <- forkIO $ iob >>= putMVar mvar . Right res <- takeMVar mvar killThread tida killThread tidb return res ``` ```haskell main :: IO () main = badRace (return ()) (threadDelay maxBound) >>= print ``` ``` Left () ``` Good ---- ## Masked? ```haskell main :: IO () main = mask_ $ badRace (return ()) (threadDelay maxBound) >>= print ``` Same thing: `Left ()`. But what about: ```haskell main :: IO () main = uninterruptibleMask_ $ badRace (return ()) (threadDelay maxBound) >>= print ``` Deadlock! `forkIO` inside `badRace` inherits masked state ---- ## Fixing this bug (There are other bugs, exercise for the reader) ```haskell badRace :: IO a -> IO b -> IO (Either a b) badRace ioa iob = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar tida <- forkIOWithUnmask $ \u -> u ioa >>= putMVar mvar . Left tidb <- forkIOWithUnmask $ \u -> u iob >>= putMVar mvar . Right res <- takeMVar mvar killThread tida killThread tidb return res ``` --- ## unsafePerformIO vs unsafeDupablePerformIO * Couldn't get a good demonstration * Great example of what goes wrong without async exceptions * If you're curious, Trac ticket: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/8502 * c/o Chris Allen, thanks! --- ## Links (1) * General Haskell syllabus: https://www.fpcomplete.com/haskell-syllabus * The `unliftio` library: https://www.stackage.org/package/unliftio * Exception handling module: https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-11.1/unliftio- * safe-exceptions documentation: https://haskell-lang.org/library/safe-exceptions ---- ## Links (2) * Exceptions best practices: https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2016/11/exceptions-best-practices-haskell * Monad transformers talk * Slides: https://www.snoyman.com/reveal/monad-transformer-state * Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZIN9f9rI34 --- ## Questions? Comments? * Thanks all! * Let us know on Twitter what topics you're interested in next * [@snoyberg](https://twitter.com/snoyberg/) * [@FPComplete](https://twitter.com/fpcomplete) * For Partnering opportunities please email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) * Slides: https://www.snoyman.com/reveal/async-exception-handling * Blog post on its way!