## Haskell from the Inside Out
* Michael Snoyman
* VP of Engineering, FP Complete
* FLIP, Tel Aviv, Israel
* July 23, 2018
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## Get the code!
* This is a workshop, right?
* Get the code and tools!
* `git clone https://github.com/snoyberg/haskell-inside-out`
* Follow instructions in README.md
* Kick it off now, may take some time to download
## Format
* This is _not_ a lecture or talk
* This is an interactive workshop
* I'm going to ask questions
* There will be exercises to play with
* תרגישו בבית
## Haskell is _weird_
* Computers are inherently imperative
* Most programming languages are imperative
* Haskell is stubbornly _not_ imperative
* Functional, pure, lazy, immutable...
* Goal today:
* Understand where this weirdness comes from
* See why this weirdness is really useful
## Purely functional
* Haskell is a purely functional programming language
* Most other weird things derive from that
* Purely functional is nice
* Better testing
* "Reason about code"
* Allows some optimizations
* Trivially create Software Transactional Memory
* Not obvious how to make this work in a programming language
## Diving in
* Start with just one constraint: functions are pure
* We'll define that a bit better as we go
* Let's see how this affects our ability to write normal code
## Pure math
We want to evaluate this arithmetic expression
(2 + 3) * (4 + 5)
1. Do it in your heads, try to note how you procssed it
2. Let's write up an answer in imperative pseudocode
## Imperative solution
x = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x * y;
return z;
* Any objections?
* Not terribly different from how the processor itself would do things
## Variation 1
Do these two things do the same thing?
x = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x * y;
return z;
y = 4 + 5;
x = 2 + 3;
z = x * y;
return z;
## Variation 2
Do these two things do the same thing?
x = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x * y;
return z;
z = x * y;
x = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
return z;
## Variation 3
Do these two things do the same thing?
x = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x * y;
return z;
x1 = 2 + 3;
x2 = 2 + 3;
x3 = 2 + 3;
x4 = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x4 * y;
return z;
## Variation 4
Do these two things do the same thing?
x = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x * y;
return z;
w = 1 + 2;
x = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x * y;
return z;
## Takeaways
* Some programs do different things internally, but externaly behave the same
* Must calculate `x` and `y` before `z`
* Can calculate other, irrelevant things like `w`
* Can recalculate `x` as many times as desired
Let's do something similar...
## Say hi
* Get a name from the user
* Print the name back out
* We'll use imperative pseudocode again
## Basic solution
print("What's your name?");
str = getString();
## Variation 1
Do these two things do the same thing?
print("What's your name?");
str = getString();
str = getString();
print("What's your name?");
## Variation 2
Do these two things do the same thing?
print("What's your name?");
str = getString();
print("What's your name?");
str = getString();
## Variation 3
Do these two things do the same thing?
print("What's your name?");
str = getString();
print("What's your name?");
str1 = getString();
str2 = getString();
str3 = getString();
str4 = getString();
## Variation 4
Do these two things do the same thing?
print("What's your name?");
str = getString();
print("What's up?");
print("What's your name?");
str = getString();
## Takeaways
* Must call `getString()` and set `str` before running `print(str)`
* Cannot run other, irrelevant things like `print("Whats' up?")`
* Cannot run `getString()` multiple times
Compare to our previous takeaways:
* Must calculate `x` and `y` before `z`
* Can calculate other, irrelevant things like `w`
* Can recalculate `x` as many times as desired
What gives?
## Discussion
* What's the difference between arithmetic and input/output
* What's the result of running `2 + 3`?
* What's the result of running `getString()`?
* What's the result of running `print("What's your name?")`?
## What's a function?
* Maps input to output
* What are the input and output to the following:
* Plus function `+`
* `getString`
* `print`
* `rollDie`
## Results of evaluating
* Only result from evaluating `2 + 3`: the number 5
* Two results from evaluating `getString()`
* Some I/O (a prompt to the user)
* A string value
* Who cares if we have the number 5 multiple times? We ignore the
unneeded ones!
* But we can't ignore the extra I/O from `getString`
## Back to order of evaluation
* Does it matter if we evaluate `2 + 3 = 5` before `4 + 5 = 9`?
* __No!__
* Does it matter if we print `What's your name` before prompting for a
* __Yes!__
* Same rules seem to apply to repeated evaluation and reordered
## Focus on math
`(2 + 3) * (4 + 5)`
* Evaluate each subexpression as many times as desired
* Rearrange order of evaluation for subexpressions as desired
* _Must_ evaluate subexpressions before full expression
* Time for some terminology
* Pure function
* Data dependency
## Pure function
* A function in the mathematical sense
* Deterministic output for given input
* Cannot observe that the function has been run besides having a
* E.g., no I/O
* Little bit of a lie: we know the CPU got hotter :)
* Different from what we call "functions" in most programming languages!
## Data dependency
* Impossible to figure out `x * 2` without knowing `x`
* We have a _data dependency_ on `x`
* Challenge: evaluate `(3 + 4) * 2`, but don't figure out `3 + 4`
## Can we program purely functionally?
* We already saw that this fell apart for `print` and `getString`
* Why? They aren't purely functional!
* Extra result with no data dependency to force order of evaluation
* But pure functions sound so cool!
## The state of the world
* `print` affects the state of the world (changes the console)
* `getString` is affected by the state of the world (user input)
* Can we somehow represent that concept in a "purely functional" way?
* Can we create some data dependency out of this?
## Fake it
Imagine this crazy rewrite:
fn main(iostate1):
iostate2 = print("What's your name?", iostate1)
(iostate3, str) = getString(iostate2)
iostate4 = print(str, iostate3)
return iostate4
* Cannot try to put `getString` before first print, because...
* We created a data dependency!
* Various `iostate` values force an order of evaluation
## Exercise 1
* Go into the exercises directory
* Run `stack build`
* Run `stack runghc ex1-fake-it.hs`
* Make it run :)
getString :: IOState -> (IOState, String)
print :: String -> IOState -> IOState
* `getString` takes one argument, returns two values
* `print` takes two arguments, returns one value
* Underscore == "fill in the blank"
## How was that?
* It works, but it's ugly
* We're making our life really difficult
* Can we do better? Yes
* Let's make a _pattern_
## Type aliases
Haskell lets us create type aliases with variables
getString :: IOState -> (IOState, String)
print :: String -> IOState -> IOState
Include "dummy" value in `print`:
getString :: IOState -> (IOState, String)
print :: String -> IOState -> (IOState, ())
And now:
type Action a = IOState -> (IOState, a)
getString :: Action String
print :: String -> Action ()
A bit easier to see what's happening
## Exercise 2
* Convert our previous example to the new `Action` type alias
* Use `stack runghc ex2-fake-it-action.hs`
## Functions!
* Let's do some code reuse
promptString :: String -> Action String
promptString msg io1 =
let (io2, ()) = print msg io1
(io3, str) = getString io2
in (io3, str)
Which brings us to...
## Exercise 3
* Let's build some helper functions
* You'll need:
showInt :: Int -> String
readInt :: String -> Int -- why is this crazy?
Make `ex3-prompt-int.hs` work
## Problem
* Lots of ceremony to just convert a `String` to an `Int`
* Can we generalize? Of course!
## Exercise 4
* Fix the implementation of `mapAction` in `ex4-map-action.hs`
mapAction :: (a -> b) -> Action a -> Action b
mapAction f action io1 =
promptInt :: String -> Action Int
promptInt msg = mapAction readInt (promptString msg)
## Exercise 5
* We'll do both name and age, with helper functions!
* Fix `ex5-name-and-age.hs`
## Exercise 6
* Lots of effort perform two actions
* Let's write a helper function!
* `ex6-do-both.hs`
inner :: Action ()
inner = doBoth echoName echoAge
doBoth :: Action () -> Action () -> Action ()
doBoth action1 action2 io1 =
Challenge: generalize the type signature for `doBoth`
## Exercise 7
* Implementation of `echoName` and `echoAge` is tedious
* Let's make it less tedious!
* `ex7-and-then.hs`
echoName :: Action ()
echoName = andThen
(promptString "What's your name?")
echoAge :: Action ()
echoAge = andThen
(promptInt "What's your age?")
printInt :: Int -> Action ()
andThen :: Action a -> (a -> Action b) -> Action b
## Abolish `IOState`
* Let's face it: `IOState` is a pain
* Tedious to write code
* Throwing the hack in our face all the time
* Can accidentally reuse previous states
* We have enough machinery to stop using it directly
## Our helper functions
mapAction :: (a -> b) -> Action a -> Action b
doBoth :: Action a -> Action b -> Action b
andThen :: Action a -> (a -> Action b) -> Action b
Looks like we can do everything we need with these.
## Hide the `IOState`
* `Action` is just a type alias right now
* Let's make it a "newtype" to hide its implementation
newtype Action a = Action (IOState -> (IOState, a))
* Hide the `Action` "data constructor"
* Now we can't play with the `IOState` values directly
## Fake exercise 8
* Nothing to do
* Look at `ex8-newtype.hs` to see the difference
* Tada!
## You just learned monads
* Sorry, forgot to mention that before
* `mapAction` is "functor map"
* `doBoth` is "applicative next"
* `andThen` is "monadic bind"
* We invented these concepts automatically to meet two constraints
* Purely functional
* Not painful
* (Also, I kind of intended to get there)
## Real monads
* Using the real monad machinery in Haskell is nicer
* You get `do`-notation
* Let's see one final exercise: rewriting to real monads
* Open `ex9-enough-already.hs`
## Takeaways
* Monads are a natural way to sequence actions in a purely functional
* However, monads are more general than that!
* We can use the same machinery for other kinds of things
* This may not have a value (`Maybe`)
* This carries some extra data (`State`)
* Ultimately, `do`-notation gives us a similar imperative feel, but
based on purity
* Pure functions provide extra power
## Exercise 10
Remember this thingy?
x1 = 2 + 3;
x2 = 2 + 3;
x3 = 2 + 3;
x4 = 2 + 3;
y = 4 + 5;
z = x4 * y;
return z;
Rewrite it in Haskell! `ex10-extra-computation.hs`
## Question
* How many times did your processor calculate `2 + 3`?
* Not easy to prove it
* Let's try something else
## Exercise 11
Predict the output of this program `ex11-error.hs`
main = print inner
inner :: Int
inner =
let w = error "this is not needed!"
x = 2 + 3
y = 4 + 5
in x * y
## `w` is not needed
* No data dependency on `w`
* In Haskell, we say that the value is never _forced_
* Therefore: the error is never thrown
## Similarly...
What does this mean?
main = print inner
inner :: Int
inner =
let w = print "Hello World!"
x = 2 + 3
y = 4 + 5
in x * y
## Action vs pure value
* Haskell distinguishes betweens _actions_ and _pure values_
* To perform an action, we have to _sequence it_ (e.g., `do`-notation)
* To evaluate a value, we have to _force it_
* This is a natural outcome of purity
* Values which aren't forced are _thunks_, which is _laziness_
## Exercise 12
What's the output of this program `ex12-lazy-and.hs`
myAnd :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
myAnd True x = x
myAnd False _ = False
main :: IO ()
main = do
print (myAnd (2 > 1) (3 > 2))
print (myAnd (2 > 1) (1 > 2))
print (myAnd (1 > 2) (2 > 1))
print (myAnd (1 > 2) (2 > undefined))
print (myAnd (2 > 1) (2 > undefined))
## Short circuiting for free
* Most languages: `&&` and `||` are special-cased short circuiting
* In Haskell: _everything_ can short circuit like that
* Does require thinking a bit about "is this evaluated here"
## Immutability
* Not going into detail here
* Have a rule: function must always return same output for same input
* Consider this function:
f :: Int -> Int
f _ = x
x :: Int
x = 5
* What happens if `x` can be changed?
* QED Haskell variables must be immutable by default
* Mutable _does_ exist, but we won't get into it today
## Further info
* What Makes Haskell Unique [Slides](https://www.snoyman.com/reveal/what-makes-haskell-unique) [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DebDaiYev2M&t=1s)
* [Get Started](https://haskell-lang.org/get-started)
* [FP Complete Haskell Syllabus](https://www.fpcomplete.com/haskell-syllabus)
* [Functors, Applicatives, and Monads](https://www.snoyman.com/blog/2017/01/functors-applicatives-and-monads)
* [All About Strictness](https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/09/all-about-strictness) (advanced)