## Your Second Haskell Web App
### A Yesod Workshop
* Michael Snoyman
* VP Engineering, FP Complete<br><img alt="FP Complete logo" src="https://tech.fpcomplete.com/images/fp-complete-logo-small.png" style="border:0">
* Berlin Functional Programming Group
* c/o COVID-19
* Thursday, April 23, 2020
## Last time, on Functional Conf
* Previous talk: first web app with WAI and Warp
* We'll do a quick recap of that...
* Then explain what Yesod is
* This is an **interactive** workshop
* Get your keyboards ready!
* https://tech.fpcomplete.com/haskell/get-started
stack new mysecondapp yesodweb/simple
cd mysecondapp
stack build . yesod-bin
## Who are the players?
* Haskell: strongly typed functional programming language
* GHC: the compiler
* Stack: the build tool, wraps around GHC
* WAI: interface between apps and servers
* Warp: a Haskell web server
* Yesod: a web framework, built on WAI
## What is "built on WAI?"
* Yesod applications are WAI applications
* Can apply all of the WAI middleware on a Yesod app
* Can embed another WAI app inside a Yesod app
* Can run Yesod app on any WAI handler
## What is Yesod?
* It's boring!
* Standard MVC framework approach
* Original goal: what if a web framework had awesomeness of Haskell's type system?
* Want to prevent common bugs at compile time
* Want to enforce boundaries
## Type system can stop bugs?
* Yes it can!
* Cross-site scripting (XSS) by having an `HTML` data type
* Generally: great way to avoid string escaping bugs
* Well-formed URLs are guaranteed by route data type
* Can still get 404s due to, e.g., missing database ID
* In practice, catches many common bugs
## Is boilerplate evil?
* Yes and no
* Yes: when it can lead to bugs
* Use codegen to avoid the problem
* High level DSL for routes
* Generates:
* Route datatype
* Parser
* Renderer
* Dispatcher
## Isn't this a workshop?
* Oh, right, it is
* Hold onto your butts
Fair warning: first time I've ever done live coding in a talk.
## Scaffolding
* Run `stack new mysecondapp yesodweb/simple`
* Multiple scaffoldings, different DB backends
* Skipping database entirely here
* Run `cd mysecondapp`
* Run `stack build . yesod-bin`
* Run `stack exec yesod devel`
* Open http://localhost:3000
## Homepage
* Open up `templates/homepage.hamlet`
* Modify some of the text on the page
* Watch the recompile happen
* Reload the page, voila!
## Routing
* Open up `config/routes`
* Subsites: embed functionality
* We're using static file serving
* Create `static/foo.txt`
* `curl -i http://localhost:3000/static/foo.txt`
* Another common one: authentication
* `/` is called `HomeR`, supports `GET` and `POST`
* `/comments` is called `CommentR`, supports `POST`
## Our first route
* Say hi!
* Add `/greet GreetR GET`
* Recompile fails
* Add `import Handler.Greet` in `Application`
* Create `Handler.Greet`, copy stuff from `Handler.Home`
* Force recompile with enter
getGreet :: Handler Html
getGreet = undefined
## Add some code
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
getGreetR :: Handler Html
getGreetR = do
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "Hello there!"
[whamlet|<p>Hello there!</p>|]
## Add a link
* Open `templates/homepage.hamlet`
* Go to `Starting`
* Add `<a href="/greet">Greetings!`
* That's bad, mkay?
* `href=@{GreetR}`
## URL parameters
* What's your name?
* Change route: `/greet/#{Text}`
* `homepage.hamlet` breaks
* Error messages are difficult, sorry
* Change `getGreetR`
* Warning about unused variable
* Use the variable `#{name}`
* What about `/greet/<script>`
## Footgun
* `preEscapedToHtml`
* Add `import Text.Blaze.Html`
* Add `blaze-html` dependency
* Go to http://localhost:3000/greet/%3Cscript%3Ealert(%22danger%20will%20robinson%22)%3C%2fscript%3E
## Serving JSON
* `pure $ object ["name" .= name]`
* `Value` is a funny type
* Can provide multiple representations too
getGreetR :: Text -> Handler TypedContent
getGreetR name = selectRep $ do
provideRep $ pure $ object ["name" .= name]
provideRep $ defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "Hello there!"
[whamlet|<p>Hello there #{preEscapedToHtml name}!</p>|]
curl -i http://localhost:3000/greet/Michael
## More info
* Check out the rest of the scaffolding
* Check out the book https://www.yesodweb.com/book
* What else do you want to see?